61 Real Brand Values Examples For Strategy Inspiration

Brand Values provide a moral compass for brand leaders and personnel. 

They act as a yardstick and a guide for brand behavior and decision-making that shape the brand's reputation in the market. 

Brand leaders and teams who develop meaningful values and use them actively in day-to-day operations, see the benefit in external perception and internal culture.

This guide breaks down brand values as a strategy, how to develop values that influence action and image, and the best real brand values examples in the market. 

What Are Brand Values?

Brand values, also known as core brand values, are the guiding principles that a brand holds dear.

They influence a brand’s behavior, decision-making, and overall identity, setting it apart from competitors. 

These values play a crucial role in establishing brand loyalty and shaping the brand’s core values.

For instance, a brand that values innovation will consistently strive to create cutting-edge products or services that push boundaries and challenge the status quo. 
On the other hand, a brand that values customer service will put its customers at the heart of everything it does, from product design to after-sales service.

Ultimately, your company’s core values align your company’s culture with the expectations of your customers, creating a strong brand image that resonates with your target audience

They provide a roadmap for your brand strategy and are a critical component in establishing brand loyalty.

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Why Are Brand Values Important?

Brand values are more than just nice-to-have statements on a company’s website; they play a crucial role in shaping a business’s strategy and success.

They influence how a brand is perceived by its customers and how loyal those customers will be.

Brands with clearly defined and communicated values often see a positive impact on their brand perception.

Customers are more likely to trust and feel connected to brands that share their personal values. 

This emotional connection can lead to increased brand loyalty and even advocacy.

They can also provide a competitive advantage. In a crowded market where products and services may be similar, brand values can set a company apart.

For example, a company that places a high value on sustainability and communicates this effectively may attract customers who share this value, even if their products are more expensive than competitors.

These brand value examples demonstrate the power of strong values in differentiating a business.

In conclusion, brand values are important because they:

Guide internal decision-making
Influence how customers perceive the brand
Enhance brand loyalty
Provide a competitive edge
Ultimately contribute to a brand’s long-term success.

Advantages Of Strong Brand Values

Having well-defined brand values brings several benefits. One of the most significant advantages is enhancing brand reputation.

Brands that consistently live their values are seen as trustworthy and reliable, which boosts their reputation in the market.

Strong brand values also foster customer trust and loyalty, leading to a base of loyal customers.

Customers are more likely to stick with brands that share their values and demonstrate them consistently. 

This loyalty often translates into repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals, which can boost a brand’s bottom line.

Moreover, company values play a crucial role in attracting and retaining employees. Employees want to work for companies that share their personal values.

A company with clear and strong values can attract like-minded employees who are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and loyal.

Additionally, brand values can differentiate a brand from its competitors. In a crowded market, where many products and services are similar, brand values can provide a unique selling proposition that sets a brand apart.

For instance, a brand that values sustainability and demonstrates this through its products and business practices can stand out among competitors who do not prioritize this.

In conclusion, strong brand values can:

Enhance brand reputation
Foster customer loyalty
Attract and retain employees
Provide a competitive edge

They are a key component of a successful brand strategy and play a crucial role in shaping the brand experience.

61 Real Examples of Brand Values

Now let’s look at some real-life examples of successful brands with strong value propositions.

These brands not only talk about their values but also live by them, resulting in a significant impact on their business.

1. Zappos (10 Values)

Zappos is renowned for its unique company culture and strong emphasis on customer service. Their values focus on delivering exceptional service, embracing change, and fostering a positive team spirit.

Deliver WOW Through Service
Embrace and Drive Change
Create Fun and A Little Weirdness
Be Adventurous, Creative, and Open-Minded
Pursue Growth and Learning
Build Open and Honest Relationships With Communication
Build a Positive Team and Family Spirit
Do More With Less
Be Passionate and Determined
Be Humble

Analysis: Zappos' commitment to these values is evident in their exceptional customer service, innovative approach to business, and strong company culture.

Their focus on creating a fun and positive work environment has resulted in high employee satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Apple (5 Values)

Apple's brand values revolve around innovation, simplicity, and design. They strive for excellence in every aspect of their business, from product development to user experience.

User Experience

Analysis: Apple's dedication to these values is reflected in their sleek and user-friendly products, as well as their cutting-edge technology.

Their focus on innovation and design has helped them become a leader in the tech industry.

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3. Nike (5 Values)

Nike is a global leader in athletic footwear and apparel. Their values highlight their commitment to innovation, inspiration, and delivering top performance.

Every Athlete in the World

Analysis: Nike's emphasis on innovation and performance is evident in their high-quality products and inspirational marketing campaigns. Their commitment to inclusivity and authenticity resonates with a diverse audience.

4. Google (10 Values)

Google's values reflect their mission to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. They emphasize user focus, doing one thing well, and the importance of speed and information access.

Focus on the User and All Else Will Follow
It’s Best to Do One Thing Really, Really Well
Fast is Better Than Slow
Democracy on the Web Works
You Don’t Need to Be at Your Desk to Need an Answer
You Can Make Money Without Doing Evil
There’s Always More Information Out There
The Need for Information Crosses All Borders
You Can Be Serious Without a Suit
Great Just Isn’t Good Enough

Analysis: Google's commitment to these values is seen in their user-centric approach and continuous innovation. Their focus on speed and accessibility has made them a dominant force in the internet industry.

5. Starbucks (4 Values)

Starbucks is committed to creating a culture of warmth and belonging. Their values underscore the importance of courage, transparency, and accountability.

Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome
Acting with courage, challenging the status quo
Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity, and respect
Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results

Analysis: Starbucks' dedication to these values is evident in their inclusive and welcoming stores, ethical sourcing practices, and commitment to social responsibility. Their focus on community and quality has helped them build a loyal customer base.

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6. Coca-Cola (7 Values)

Coca-Cola's values highlight their commitment to leadership, collaboration, and quality. They emphasize the importance of diversity and integrity in their business practices.


Analysis: Coca-Cola's adherence to these values is reflected in their global leadership in the beverage industry, diverse and inclusive workforce, and commitment to sustainability and ethical practices.

7. Amazon (14 Values)

Browsing items on amazon website

Amazon's values are centered around customer obsession and innovation. They emphasize ownership, long-term thinking, and a bias for action.

Customer Obsession
Invent and Simplify
Are Right, A Lot
Learn and Be Curious
Hire and Develop the Best
Insist on the Highest Standards
Think Big
Bias for Action
Earn Trust
Dive Deep
Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit
Deliver Results

Analysis: Amazon's focus on customer obsession and innovation is evident in their diverse product offerings, efficient delivery systems, and continuous pursuit of improvement. Their values drive their success in e-commerce and beyond.

8. Southwest Airlines (6 Values)

brand case study southwest love

Southwest Airlines values hard work, a desire to be the best, and innovation. They also emphasize the importance of urgency, perseverance, and courage.

Work Hard
Desire to be the Best
Be Courageous
Display Urgency

Analysis: Southwest Airlines' commitment to these values is seen in their dedication to customer service, operational efficiency, and a positive work environment. Their focus on innovation and perseverance has helped them become a leading airline in the industry.

By living their values, these brands have built strong reputations, loyal customer bases, and successful businesses. Their values guide their actions, shape their brand identities, and influence their interactions with customers and employees.

How to Define Your Core Brand Values

Defining your core brand values is a crucial step in creating a strong brand. Here’s how you can go about it. Start by assessing what matters to your business.

What are the beliefs and principles that guide your business practices and decisions?

Next, identify your company’s pain points.

What challenges are you facing, and how do your proposed brand values address these challenges? 

For instance, if your company is struggling with customer trust, a brand value like transparency or customer-first could help address this issue.

Once you’ve identified what matters to your business and your pain points, it’s time for collaborative decision-making.

Involve your team in the process of defining your brand values.

After all, your employees are the ones who will be living these values every day.

Lastly, don’t hesitate to learn from successful brands. Look at brands that you admire and analyze their brand values.

What makes these brands successful, and how do their values contribute to their success?

This can provide valuable insights as you define your own brand values.

Over To You

In today’s competitive business landscape, having clearly defined and lived brand values can be a game-changer. They not only guide your business operations but also shape how your brand is perceived by your customers. By defining and living by your brand values, you can:

Enhance brand reputation

Foster customer loyalty

Attract and retain employees

Differentiate from competitors

So, whether you’re a new business owner defining your brand values for the first time or an established brand looking to reassess your current values, remember this: your brand values are more than just words on a page.

Establishing brand values are the guiding principles that can help your company succeed and create a lasting impact. So, take the time to define them, live them, and watch as they propel your brand towards a better future.


1. What is an example of brand value?

Brand value is the set of principles that a brand stands for, such as integrity, innovation, and customer satisfaction.

2. What are the three main brand values?

The three main brand values should be clear and sincere, help build connections, and set your business apart. Choose these values to achieve your branding goals.

3. What is a brand's core value?

A brand's core value is at the center of everything it does, from its visual identity to customer relationships. It shapes the brand's look, marketing, and customer service.

4. Why are brand values important?

Brand values are crucial as they guide decisions, influence customer perception, build loyalty, and contribute to a brand's success. So, prioritizing brand values is key to standing out in the market.

5. What are the advantages of strong brand values?

Having strong brand values can enhance your reputation, foster loyalty, attract and retain employees, and give you a competitive edge in the market. It's a win-win situation for your business.

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