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Raise your expert profile, grow your revenue, and help your clients to succeed using brand strategy.
The Training Ground For Brand Strategists
You don't just want the steps. You want the expertise and results.
You want actionable techniques and systems that will not only help you to develop effective strategies, but show you how to attract clients with the budgets to pay for your premium service.
We get you because that’s how we think too.
Our education doesn’t just show you steps. It provides you with a deep understanding of your craft so you can confidently demonstrate your expertise and increase your prospect’s desire for your help.
Want to get going?
Download The PRO Brand Strategy BluePrint Now
Want to build brand strategies like a PRO?
Download this FREE BluePrint to get the exact strategies used by top agencies to build brand strategies for their clients.
Avoid the mistakes that 95% of amateur brand builders make and build brands to succeed.
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The Brand Master Secrets Education Package
Brand Master Secrets is the most comprehensive brand strategy course on the market, Period.
But Brand Master Secrets is not just a course. It’s an entire system to help you grow your branding business.
With 150+ videos, 50+ brand development tools, a step-by-step playbook and client delivery documents, Brand Master Secrets is everything you need to become a brand strategist, raise your expert profile and earn specialist fees.
“As a designer who wanted to provide a deeper level of service to my clients in the form of brand strategy, I was looking for a comprehensive course that provided everything I needed to get started. If you’re wanting to take the leap to brand strategy, I wholeheartedly endorse this course! It’s JUST incredible.”
Jacob Cass – JUST Creative
“This was the biggest branding job we pulled off ($60,000). And it was everything we learned to do thanks to Brand Master Secrets.”
Denny Kurien – Founder of creative-director.ca
“This is the most in-depth Brand Strategy Course I have seen (and I’ve bought a few in my time). It gave me the confidence to quote and win a £16k job (three times more than I was charging).”
Col Grey - Founder of Pixels Ink
“Purchasing Brand Master Secrets been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my business. Within 12 months I went from a freelancer charging $500 for brand strategy to a 6-figure agency charging up to $10,000 with confidence, all thanks to this program and framework.”
Amy Kuo – Co-Founder & Creative Director at Author Brand Studio
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It’s Time To Rethink Branding
The branding industry is broken and entrepreneurs are failing because they’re getting bad advice.
Branding is not about pixels and logos.
It’s about helping a business to look, feel, speak, sound, act, think and connect in a way that resonates with who the audience is, the journey they’re on, and the outcome they want.
How are such brands built…? With Brand Strategy.
At Brand Master Academy, we arm brand-builders with the knowledge, know-how, techniques, strategies, tools, and systems to transform their branding business and help their clients to build successful brands.