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With this on-demand MasterClass, you’ll learn…

  • The #1 mistake that most freelancers make selling strategy (that guarantees failure).
  • You need more clients right? (Not Exactly) Learn a smarter way to fatten your revenue.
  • The amateur discovery call mistakes that kill sales and what to do instead.
  • The dirty truth about budgets and when to really talk about them
  • How to fill your lead pipeline fast (without followers or an email list)
  • How to find BIGGER clients with BIGGER budgets (and bigger ambitions)
  • How to get your first brand strategy clients (in just two weeks)

$197 $47

(This is a limited offer, you’ll only see this once)


Selling Branding Services In This Market Isn’t Easy (But Imagine You Had A Sales Machine)

Imagine if you had a sales machine, pumping out qualified leads.

Leads who understood the value of your premium branding service and were prepared to pay you double, triple or quadruple what your competitors are charging?

What would that do for your profits and your confidence as an industry specialist?

That’s what you’re about to find out with this premium client-getting MasterClass.

Let’s face it… Providing branding services in this market isn’t exactly easy.

Prices are plummeting, competitors are multiplying and prospects want way more for way less.

The value perception of “branding” has been smashed with $5 logos and DIY platforms.

How can you compete in this bottom-feeding market, let alone earn an abundant or even a decent living?

The answer is… you don’t…

And it all boils down to this…

You either stay in that market competing against low-cost punters for low budget clients, or you pivot into a different market with different clients to find the abundance you’re after…

You can’t do both.

But here’s the hidden little truth…

When you unshackle yourself from the low-cost generalist zone and swim into the profitable trusted specialist zone…

You can see the bigger fish in the clear blue water (and they can finally see you).

If you’re ready to swim away from the murky bottom towards the clear blue,

I want to show you How To Raise Your Rates And Profit Selling Brand Strategy And Get Your First Clients (In Just Two Weeks).

These Two Are The Lifeblood Of Your Business (And The Key To Profits)

So I’m sure you’ve heard you need to “differentiate” from the rest right?

But what then?

I’m pretty sure the whole “Build it and they’ll come” mantra NEVER worked, but it certainly doesn’t work today.

So what do you do instead?

Do you wait around for referrals in the hope that a good Samaritan will throw your name into the mix?

Not unless your business can breathe underwater…

Your business is a living entity that needs oxygen to breathe and oxygen for a business is revenue.

Without it, your business won’t survive…

So the question is, what systems do you have in place to feed your business the revenue it needs from new clients and repeat business?

If you don’t have one, or at least not one with any kind of structure, strategy, or reliability, then you’re going to want to keep reading…

These Clients Don’t Want Cheap Logos (They Have A Budget And They Want To Spend It!)

Listen, we all know that our prospective clients can go out and get branding services on the cheap, right?

This cold hard reality hit me in the face like a wet fish years ago when clients began telling me “I can get this done cheaper online”.

My clients and prospects were swimming down into the murky waters of poor service and botched brands and I had a choice…

Follow them down and compete in the bottom-feeding market or find better clients…

There was NO WAY I was going down there.

So I worked on my own brand, my own service and my own system to find, attract and convert better clients with bigger budgets and bigger ambitions who wanted more than cheap logos.

And what I found set me free, because here’s the reality…

Yes… the penny-pinching clients with unrealistic expectations who want more for less are hard to escape… They’re suffocating.

But like any market, there are segments who simply aren’t interested in bargain basement solutions.

Segments who don’t want the cheapest mechanic, the cheapest dentist or the cheapest branding specialist.

In fact, these clients intentionally avoid low-cost providers.

They go in search of something better with a budget to hire them

All you need to do, is make yourself visible to them, and provide them with an easy-to-follow path to what they want…

The Trick To Bagging Bigger Clients With Bigger Budgets

Building a system to attract and convert bigger and better clients is simple… but not easy!

Especially if you don’t have years of marketing experience to fall back on.

That said, you can quickly learn the rules of the game… (as I said, it’s not complicated)

Once you understand how the system works and the elements you need to use, you can plug it into your business to produce new clients FAST.

So… how do you learn the rules of the game?


I recently recorded a MasterClass that breaks down the system step-by-step that will help you to find bigger clients with bigger budgets so you can increase your revenue.

The Client Conversion System That Turns Cold Traffic Into Warm Discovery Calls And Then To Revenue

Here’s the thing…

When I decided I wanted to pivot to find better clients, I was starting from scratch…

In reality, I knew very little about marketing so I went back to school and became qualified in digital marketing…

Though it gave me a solid foundation, it didn’t give me what I hoped it would….

I wanted a proven system to bring in clients on tap.

So I kept researching and I became obsessed with the word “Traffic”.

I did everything I could to bring people to my website believing a nice chunk of them would make an inquiry… but they didn’t and I couldn’t understand why.

So I dived deeper again trying to figure out how to turn traffic into clients when I stumbled onto what would become the basis of my Client Conversion System.

People didn’t buy branding services like they’d buy a trashy magazine at the checkout…

What I was selling wasn’t an impulse buy and I needed to take my prospects on a journey before they were ready to listen to me…

Not only did this system turn cold traffic into warm discovery calls… it positioned me as THE expert specialist who could help them to achieve their goals ahead of my competition.

And now, I’m sharing this system along with other premium client-getting techniques, to help you to transform your clients-base, increase your fees and revenue and grow your branding business.

This Half Day MasterClass will show you

  • The #1 mistake that most freelancers make selling strategy (that guarantees failure).
  • You need more clients right? (Not Exactly) Learn a smarter way to fatten your revenue.
  • The amateur discovery call mistakes that kill sales and what to do instead.
  • How do your prospects see you? (And does it really matter?)
  • How to unshackle yourself from the “generalist” tag holding you back
  • The discovery call mistake that kills sales (and what to do instead)
  • The dirty truth about budgets and when to really talk about them
  • How to fill your lead pipeline fast (without followers or an email list)
  • How to get clients every month like clockwork (with an inbound system that runs on autopilot)
  • How to get your first brand strategy clients (in just two weeks without hard selling or cold calling)
  • How to find BIGGER clients with BIGGER budgets (and bigger ambitions)
  • How to grow without selling your life (using modern business methods)

I want to remove as much risk for you as possible which is why this MasterClass has a 100% money back guarantee.

If you don’t love this course for any reason, simply email [email protected] for a full refund, no questions asked!

$197 $47

(This is a limited offer, you’ll only see this once)
